Clinical-scale isolation of the total Aspergillus fumigatus-reactive T-helper cell repertoire for adoptive transfer.
Petra Bacher, Andrea Jochheim-Richter, Nadine Mockel-Tenbrink, Olaf Kniemeyer, Eva Wingenfeld, Regina Alex, Alice Ortigao, Darja Karpova, Thomas Lehrnbecher, Andrew J Ullmann, Axel Hamprecht, Oliver Cornely, Axel A Brakhage, Mario Assenmacher, Halvard Bonig, Alexander Scheffold
Year of publication
Evidence of the criticality of the adaptive immune response for controlling invasive aspergillosis has been provided. This observation is supported by the fact that invasive aspergillosis, a grave complication of allogeneic stem cell transplantation, occurs long after myeloid reconstitution in patients with low T-cell engraftment and/or on immunosuppressants. Adoptive T-cell transfer might be beneficial, but idiosyncrasies of Aspergillus fumigatus and the anti-Aspergillus immune response render established selection technologies ineffective.We developed a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)-compliant protocol for preparation of A. fumigatus-specific CD4+ cells by sequentially depleting regulatory and cytotoxic T cells, activating A. fumigatus-specific T-helper cells with GMP-grade A. fumigatus lysate, and immuno-magnetically isolating them via the transiently up-regulated activation marker, CD137.In 13 full-scale runs, we demonstrate robustness and feasibility of the approach. From 2 × 10(9) peripheral blood mononuclear cells, we isolated 27 × 10(3)-318 × 10(3)Aspergillus-specific T-helper cells. Frequency among total T cells was increased, on average, by 200-fold. Specific studies indicate specificity and functionality: After non-specific in vitro expansion and re-stimulation with different antigens, we observed strong cytokine responses to A. fumigatus and some other fungi including Candida albicans, but none to unrelated antigens.Our technology isolates naturally occurring Aspergillus-specific T-helper cells within 2 days of identifying the clinical indication. Rapid adoptive transfer of Aspergillus-specific T cells may be quite feasible; the clinical benefit remains to be demonstrated. A manufacturing license as an advanced-therapy medicinal product was received and a clinical trial in post-transplantation invasive aspergillosis patients approved. The product is dosed at 5 × 10E3/kg T cells (single intravenous injection), of which at least 10% must be A. fumigatus-specific.