The Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology (IKMB) deals with the clinical implementation of molecular biological research approaches in the fields of chronic inflammatory diseases and gerontology. Our scientific strategy in relation to this involves the evaluation of genetic variants and epigenetic mutations at the DNA level, the systematic evaluation of transcriptional regulation, the analysis of changes at protein level and understanding the function of relevant genetic signals. An important focus here is the characterisation of physiological and pathological interactions between epithelial barrier organs and colonising microbial flora (microbiom). The aim is to use research results in new, innovative treatments.
Our Institute is part of the Cluster of Excellence Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation (PMI). the Cluster of Excellence ROOTS, the BMBF e:Med Network for Systems Medicine and of multiple other research associations of the BMBF, DFG (e.g. miTarget, CRC 1182) and EU (e.g. 3TR, ImmUniverse, miGut-Health). It also has a close relationship with the Biobank Popgen and the Comprehensive Center for Inflammation Medicine ensuring an approach to research that is close to the patient.
Since 2012, the IKMB is part of the the Diagnostikzentrum (central diagnostics center of the University Hospital) in a partnership with the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and the Institute of Human Genetics.