Petra Bacher

Petra Bacher

Group Leader of Intestinal Immune Regulation, Schleswig-Holstein-Excellence-Chair

+49 431 / 500 - 31 005

Research Group

Research Interest

Our research focuses on host-microbiota interactions in chronic inflammatory diseases and especially on the role of microbe-specific CD4+ T cell responses in immune tolerance and inflammation. The interaction with the microbiome is largely controlled by the immune system. Certain immune cells, so-called CD4+ T helper (Th) cells, play a central role in the defense against pathogens and microbes. Inappropriate or too strong immune reactions can also lead to immunopathology. How protective immunity and tolerance against microbes is maintained or disturbed is not known in many clinical situations. Our research aim is to understand how physiologic immune interactions against microbes are maintained, and how these protective mechanisms are broken in chronic inflammatory diseases. For this we design and utilize state-of-the-art technologies, including antigen-reactive T cell enrichment (ARTE), single cell and TCR sequencing technologies or immunopeptidomics.

You find more information on the teaching remit of Petra Bacher via CAU.