Board of Directors

The Institute is cooperatively led by a team of three directors.
Andre Franke studied cell biology and joined the IKMB in 2003 as a PhD student where he became a director in 2012. After becoming an assistant professor at the age of 29 he received several scientific prizes, including the Hensel prize from Kiel University, the “Peter Hans Hofschneider” endowed professorship from the Foundation of Experimental Biomedicine, the Thannhauser prize of the DGVS and the Ludwig-Demling Research Prize from the German Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation (DCCV). He is a member of the Steering Committee of the DFG Cluster of Excellence „Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation“, the spokesperson for the DFG Research Unit 5042 miTarget, and the coordinator of the EU program miGut-Health. His main research focus is to identify causes for complex chronic inflammatory diseases by means of sequence-based approaches. He is further engaged in high-throughput biomarker detection and gut microbiome sequencing projects for chronic inflammatory diseases. The establishment and further development of high-throughput technologies, including related bioinformatic and lab automation developments, have always been his key interests.
Philip Rosenstiel is the recipient of a Schleswig-Holstein Excellence Chair in Clinical Molecular Biology and Head of the Systems Immunology Group at the Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology, Kiel University since 2016. He received his medical training in Kiel and Boston. His group investigates the crosstalk of the intestinal epithelium with the resident gut microbiota for shaping mucosal immune responses. A second focus is on early therapeutic developments in chronic inflammatory bowel disease and biomarker development for therapy stratification using state-of-the-art multi-omics analyses.
Stefan Schreiber became founding director of the IKMB in 2005 and since 2009, he also holds the chair in internal medicine. That year, he became Director of the Clinic for Internal Medicine I on the Kiel Campus of the University Hospital Schleswig Holstein. The main focus of his work centers around the etiology of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases in the gut. His main scientific focus are clinical trials developing innovative therapies for this group of incurable disorders. He currently serves as the speaker for the Cluster of Excellence “Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation”. He has received a number of highly recognized awards among them the Frerichs and Gülzow prizes of the German Society of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology.